Ultimate guide to heating your home

Everything you need to know about home heating - all in the one place!
When winter hits we all want our homes to be cosy and heated well! There are so many different options for heating your home these days that you might be finding it difficult to choose the right heating system to suit your home.
That’s why we’ve taken the time to put together this helpful guide to choosing the right heating system for you. We want you to be equipped with all the information you need to make the best choice possible.
In this guide we'll begin by giving you some questions to think about before you make a final decision on which heating system will suit you. By thinking about these questions, you'll be clearer on what you're searching for and will inevitably be happier with the system you choose! We'll then outline the different heating systems available, explain how each system works, and explain differences in safety and costs.
Heating systems don't have to expensive to run. If you talk to a Carman Heating professional to help you select the most efficient and cost-effective option to suit your space and lifestyle, you'll find that the costs will be much more manageable than those you'd incur otherwise from choosing an inefficient unit unsuited to your space.
No matter your lifestyle, the size of your home and whether you’ve got gas or electric connections available, we can help you find a heating option that will keep you cosy in winter without breaking the bank. If you have any questions about the heating systems listed here or want to discuss how we can help you further, feel free to contact us at Carman Heating to chat to one of our friendly team!
What's in this guide?

Heating options for your home are endless, and what you choose will ultimately depend on your lifestyle, the layout of your house and your personal preferences. Before you walk into Carman Heating it might help you to have a think about what type of system you’ll be looking for.
While deciding which heating system will best suit your lifestyle and your home, you’ll want to think about the following:
• How much time do you spend in the rooms you’re planning to heat?
• Would you prefer an on-demand heating service (one that turns on and off with the touch of a button) rather than one that takes time to warm up?
• Do you and your family have a set routine or an unpredictable lifestyle?
• Do you and your family spend the majority of your time indoors or outdoors?
• Which part of your house is ideal for the installation of a heater?
• How powerful do you need your system to be?
• How cold do you get in winter?
• Would you prefer heating through your entire house or in only a few rooms?
• Would you prefer a localised source of heat (coming from one point) or heat spreading throughout your entire room or floor?
• What is your budget for unit purchase and installation?
• What is your budget for ongoing power bills?
• What product life are you looking for from your heating system?
• Does noise bother you? Are you looking for a completely silent heating system?
• Are you looking for other features from your heating system e.g. the ambient glow of an electric fire?

If you have limited space in your home, a small duct air conditioning system might just be the perfect heating solution for you!
Small duct air conditioning systems are perfect for tight spaces and can fit where other systems can't. They're small and discreet, so you won't be left with any unattractive wall components. Small duct systems suit houses with flat roofs and limited ceiling space that can make installation of other systems difficult and expensive. There's no need for disruptive installations, changes of building plans or compromises on the architectural integrity of your home.
Small duct systems can fit almost anywhere — in ceilings, under staircases, in closets and on stud walls.
Small duct systems will give you complete zone control, so you'll be able to control one or all of your zones from the one thermostat to maximise the efficiency and operation of your small duct system.
Small duct systems are energy efficient, with the compact duct size resulting in less fluctuations in temperature and a more constant heating temperature. They're whisper quiet, great for those of you who dislike the noise of a more traditional heating system.
Small duct systems are great for families and asthmatics, as they produce a superior qir quality. You can easily introduce outside filtered air or add on hospital grade electronic, electrostatic and hepa filters to create a cleaner and healthier environment in your home.
Installation should be done by professionals only. Small duct systems are safe and easy to use, and operation can be controlled from a single thermostat!

If you're looking for a reliable heating solution to cover your entire home, a ducted reverse cycle could be the solution for you!
An added advantage of choosing a ducted reverse cycle system is that you'll get a cooling function with your unit too, so you'll be covered for both winter and summer! This makes a reverse cycle system a great long-term investment for your home.
A ducted system relies on the more common "refrigerant" system of heating and cooling used in most air conditioning systems.
A ducted system should be chosen and installed by professionals, not bought "off the shelf" or self-installed — doing so would come with significant risks and hazards to the safety of your home and your family. A professional will work with you to determine the right system and size to best suit your home heating needs. If you'd like help with selecting a ducted reverse cycle system to heat your home, please feel free to contact us at Carman Heating for advice!
Installing a ducted reverse cycle heating system can be pricey and expensive, but a worthwhile investment in the long run as you'll have a reliable unit that will work for many years to come. Installation will require professionals to work in the ceiling of your house throughout the length of the house, so you may find it disruptive and want to plan ahead to minimise the impact on your household.
Ducted reverse cycles units are extremely safe and simple to use and run. There's none of the risks associated with radiators or standalone units, the controls are at a safe height on the wall away from children, and the system disperses heat from a safe distance through ceiling vents. The only things you'll need to worry about are ensuring your unit gets regular maintenance so no problems occur with the unit in the long run!

If you get particularly cold in winter an underfloor heating system may be the solution for you! Underfloor systems provide an efficient way to heat your entire home and remove the nasty shock of cold floors on your feet on cold mornings.
Electric underfloor heating systems are popular with people who live in slightly colder climates. They work extremely well in bathrooms and colder living areas, and can also be installed underneath carpeted areas.
Electric underfloor systems work via heating wires being installed under the floor, which are then controllable through a thermostat. Depending on the underfloor heating system you choose, the wires can be connected to off peak or smart meters so you can take advantage of reduced electricity rates during off peak hours and save on expenses.
The heat radiates from the wires into the floor, which spreads and emits warmth across the entire floor area. This means heat will be evenly distributed throughout your room, as opposed to a localised heating source which heats unevenly from one location.
Underfloor heating systems are ideal for floors that don't contract or expand too much with temperature changes e.g. tiles, wood, and stone.
It's best to have electric underfloor heating systems installed by a professional rather than take safety risks installing one yourself. Certain types of underfloor heating systems are designed specifically for use with certain types of floor materials, so you'll need to double check the system you're intending to use suits your floor before you buy it— make sure to ask us at Carman Heating if you have any doubts!

A newer heating option, hydronic underfloor heating is incredibly comfortable and pleasant due to its natural radiation and convection. A hydronic system is a great anti-allergy option, as no forced air circulation is involved, meaning dust and allergens aren't swept through the air with the heat. Hydronic underfloor systems are designed for heating only, not cooling. Hydronic heating is completely silent.
Hydronic systems rely on water being heated and circulated through the home through pipes that have been laid in a pattern that allows the heat to be evenly distributed. The water heat is then transferred to the surface of the slab, where it provides comfortable, gentle warmth to an entire room.
Hydronic heating is a cost-effective, efficient and eco-friendly heating option. With the introduction of high efficiency boilers and heat pumps, running costs have reduced. Another benefit of choosing a hydronic heating system is that you are not locked into one fuel source. The fuel source to heat the water can be solar, gas (natural or LPG), wood, heat pump or a combination of these fuels. You can also link in solar boosted systems to help the environment.
Hydronic heating systems are usually installed in new homes or extensions, as the hydronic pipes can be laid before the concrete slab is poured.
Your whole home is a constant temperature and can be controlled by a central thermostat and programmed to come on and off at the temperature you want. Individual zones can be set up to be turned on or off, or set at different temperatures.
Some hydronic systems can take up to thirty minutes to warm up to full heat, so you may want to look at complementing your heating with a quicker option if you're looking for an instant boost of heat.
Installing hydronic underfloor systems can be expensive, but a worthwhile long-term investment if you're looking for a reliable, efficient and eco-friendly heating system to make your home cosy in winter. As the systems are becoming more popular in Australia the price of hydronic hardware is reducing.
When considering a hydronic system, make sure you consider the costs of building work involved in installing one in an already-established house, which could involve ripping up floors, running pipework and finishing floors.
The radiator panels of a hydronic system only reach mild temperatures and are safe to touch, so they’re perfect for homes with children.
Hydronic systems are reliable and safe. The only concern you'll have is to ensure regular maintenance is undertaken to keep the unit running as intended.

Wood heating is an aesthetically pleasing and economical heating option that provides powerful heating through your home. Cuddling up in front of a cosy fireplace is something you can't achieve with any other heating option!
Wood heating involves generating heat for your home through the burning of raw wood and other flammable materials. In most areas split, dry firewood is available for a very reasonable price, making ongoing overhead costs extremely low in comparison with power or gas bills. The cost can be reduced even further if you're open to collecting your own firewood!
Depending on the layout of your home, installation of a wood heating system can involve significant costs to install a chimney and other necessary systems, which at its most complex might involve some alterations to your walls and ceiling. If you're unsure of how a wood heating system might fit within your home, feel free to call us at Carman Heating for advice! If there's an unused fireplace in your home, you may find a professional will be able to restore it to it former glory for you for a fraction of the cost of installing a new fireplace.
Wood heating tends to work best when you're using it to heat only a few rooms — the heat doesn't generally travel upstairs or through an entire house.
Choosing a wood heating system will mean exposure to open flame and hot fire-stoking materials. If you have children, you'll need to consider installing a grate around the fire to avoid little hands getting hurt!

Electric fires are a relatively new heating option (compared to gas or wood heating) becoming ever more popular with our customers. An electric fire allows you to enjoy the appearance of the "flame" of a traditional fireplace without the hassles of smoke, wood collection or chimney cleaning.
Electric fire units are flexible and a great addition to your home decor — you'll be able to choose the appearance of a wood, coal or natural gas flame according to the aesthetic you're trying to achieve in your home.
As the name suggests, an electric fire runs on electricity and can be installed anywhere in a home where an electrical outlet is available. Once in place it can be moved at any time to accommodate your changing requirements!
Electric fires are relatively cheap to run and costs can be controlled by monitoring your electricity use. If you're looking for a heating solution for a room or two, they're an economical way to heat a single room or several — but they aren't practical to heat the entire house. Electric fires are relatively cheap to purchase and install in comparison with other heating systems. They're simple and quick to install, too!
Electric fires tend be to much safer than other heating units due to the absence of an open flame or gas operated unit. The usual safety provisions associated with any electrical device apply to an electric fire. You'll want to be careful not to touch the surface of the heater while it's running or still hot after switching off!
If you have a gas connection at your home, ducted gas heating can provide a reliable, cost-effective option for heating your entire home during winter.
Ducted gas heating remains efficient no matter the temperature outside. Ducted gas systems heat efficiently, meaning your home will reach your desired temperature quickly. The air ducted gas systems provide won't dry your skin and eyes unlike other systems!
A ducted gas heating system is comprised of a heating unit connected to a series of outlets via a system of ducts. The outlets and ducts are strategically placed throughout your home, either in the floor or ceiling. The position of the heating unit depends on your house. A ducted system won't affect the aesthetic of your house, as the ducts are tucked away out of sight.
Ducted gas systems provide a cost-effective alternative to heating systems relying on electricity, allowing you to keep costs down as electricity prices rise. Gas ducted heating produces less greenhouse gas emissions, so you can be happy knowing you are being kind to the environment.
With a ducted gas system you will have the option of zoning and the ability to control the temperature in your home at the touch of a button.
A ducted system should be chosen and installed by professionals, not bought "off the shelf" or self-installed — doing so would come with significant risks and hazards to the safety of your home and your family. A professional will work with you to determine the right system and size to best suit your home heating needs. If you'd like help with selecting a ducted reverse cycle system to heat your home, please feel free to contact us!
Installing a ducted heating system can be pricey and expensive, but a worthwhile investment in the long run as you'll have a reliable unit that will work for many years to come. Installation will require professionals to work in the ceiling of your house throughout the length of the house, so you'll want to work with us to plan ahead to minimise the impact on your household.
Ducted gas heating units are extremely safe and simple to use and run. There's none of the risks associated with radiators or standalone units. The system disperses heat from a safe distance through ceiling vents and you can control the system with the touch of a button. The only things you'll need to worry about are ensuring your unit gets regular maintenance so no problems occur with the unit in the long run.
If you're looking for a reliable cost-effective heating option for a room or two, a radiator heating may be the right heating solution for you. You might think of radiators as an old-school method of heating, but today's radiators come in efficient models providing plenty of warmth for your house.
Depending on the room you're looking to heat, you can find radiators in all sorts of shapes and sizes to suit not only the size of the space you're looking to heat but the style and decor of your room. The most popular option is a standalone unit that you can move around the room as needed to suit your lifestyle.
Radiators were invented hundreds of years ago and provide a gentle, radiant and reliable heat that will evenly warm your room. The radiators you'll find today are energy-efficient and low-maintenance, which tends to suit families with unpredictable routines who don't spend a lot of time indoors!
Radiators do need proper air flow around the unit in order to disperse heat around your home, which can be a problem in homes without much space. If you're unsure of the suitability of a radiator for your room, you can always contact us and ask us for advice!
Radiators do not emit any harmful odors, gases or chemicals when used. They're extremely reliable, so if you pick the right unit to suit you you'll have made a great long-term investment for your home!
If you're looking for a great radiator idea for your bathroom, you may want to consider a small heated towel rack, which functions like a radiator and makes winter showering a luxury.
Most portable radiators come equipped with a tilt sensor, which cuts the power if a radiator heater is unbalanced or knocked on its side.
Some radiators can become hot to the touch when they start to produce heat, so you'll need to be careful not to touch the unit during this time, and to keep pets or children away from the unit.
You'll also need to take all the usual precautions as you would with any other portable heater, like not leaving flammable materials or clothes nearby.

Outdoor heaters are becoming increasingly popular as more and more people seek to maximise the time they spend outdoors with family and friends, no matter the weather! If you've got an outdoor entertaining area, an outdoor heater will be the perfect addition to your home and your lifestyle. Whether you're having a family barbecue, an outdoor dinner with friends or a relaxing evening outside with your loved ones, an outdoor heater will allow you to relax and get cosy in the fresh air without freezing in the winter months!
Outdoor electric heaters are designed especially to work outdoors. They're flexible and transportable — you'll be able to move them around depending on your requirements! You've probably seen these helpful units set up at your favourite restaurants or cafes on cold days to create a cosy eating area for customers, and especially on colder nights!
Compared to other heating systems, outdoor heaters are extremely cheap, and you'll be able to buy one (or a couple) and have it up and running immediately after you arrive back at home! Because they're a single unit, you won't have to worry about the usual installation costs and safety concerns associated with having other heating systems installed.
Outdoor heaters are relatively cheap to run and costs depend on whether the heater you choose runs on electricity or gas — either way, your costs can be controlled by monitoring your use time. If you're looking for a heating solution for a room or two, they're an economical way to heat a single room or several — but they aren't practical to heat the entire house. Electric fires are relatively cheap to purchase and install in comparison with other heating systems. They're simple and quick to install, too!
Outdoor electric heaters are safe and simple to run. You'll need to make sure you position the heater in a safe position away from flammable materials and/or plants, and follow all relevant safety instructions you'll be provided with the unit. You'll need to remember to turn the unit off when you go inside, and as usual, if you have children, be careful to keep an eye on them when they're around the heating unit! If you have any questions about outdoor heaters, feel free to contact us at Carman Heating to see how we can help you!
The options available for heating your home are endless! We hope this guide has assisted you in making a decision on the right option for you and your family. We encourage you to drop in to our store and chat with our friendly staff about any further questions you have or to take the next steps towards installation!